Categories for Advice

Watch Out Watch Out

Watch Out

Posted on December 2, 2022 Published by
Picture yourself out walking, running, biking or most any other activity with a friend. You hear someone (particularly your friend) shout, “Watch out!” What is your immediate reaction? I know mine would be to stop, look up, look forward, and [read more...]
A Subtle Theft A Subtle Theft

A Subtle Theft

Posted on November 7, 2022 Published by
If you know a thief is coming to steal your property, there is high probability that you would take precautions to stop the theft. But what if that “thief” is like carbon dioxide. A colorless and odorless gas and you [read more...]
Relief Or Real Life Relief Or Real Life

Relief Or Real Life

Posted on September 21, 2021 Published by
“Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz…Oh what a relief it is!” was the tagline for a well-known antacid medication. This over-the-counter product was available to treat the symptoms of excess stomach acid including heartburn, upset stomach and indigestion. In this time of [read more...]
No Time Like The Present No Time Like The Present

No Time Like The Present

Posted on August 30, 2021 Published by
We have all heard friends, family, and co-workers encourage us with comments like, “What are you waiting for?” or “There is no time like the present,” or for the “learned” among us, “Carpe diem!” (seize the moment). These exhortations can [read more...]